The Blog

Conversations on creating space to pursue our goals.
Meditation To Be a Happier Mom

Meditation To Be a Happier Mom

Is it possible to use meditation to be a happier mom? Those of you who know my story know that I am obsessed with all things yoga. And while the physical practice has offered me stabilizing strength...

Other People’s Opinions And Self-Worth

Other People’s Opinions And Self-Worth

In a society so greatly weighted in the importance of achievement, it is easy to believe that achievement is the only way to measure self-worth. And while there is nothing wrong with achievement we...

3 Simple Ways to Avoid Overwhelm Paralysis

3 Simple Ways to Avoid Overwhelm Paralysis

What happens when you find yourself in "overwhelm paralysis?" Perhaps your to-do list was massive or you were tackling a new project and the millions of options for moving forward paralyzed you into...

How to Have Hope in Times of Uncertainty

How to Have Hope in Times of Uncertainty

On the rare occasion that I get out of the house these days, I have been trying to make it a habit of just taking a look around. Don't worry; I am still paying attention to the road (mostly). But in...

I Got No Roots

I Got No Roots

Think about a time in your life that you were incredibly busy. I mean, so busy that you knew that if even one more thing was added to the agenda, the entire “thing” might come crashing down.  ...

Think Twice Before Apologizing For This

Think Twice Before Apologizing For This

A dear friend of mine and I were meeting for coffee last week when she started to confide in me how frustrated she was with the lack of availability of help from her husband. You see, he had a job...

About Me

I help people with a desire to grow discover their passion and build the life of their dreams. Because, I believe it's not enough to simply live, but to find a way to live with unrelenting passion and a joy that withstands even the darkest of days.